Jim Deville of Microsoft IronRuby team has started blogging. If you are interested in IronRuby, definitely subscribe.
June 2008 ArchivesI've updated Interactive IronRuby Web Shell aka Try IronRuby to IronRuby r113 engine. This is so manual, I need to implement automatic update. I also added a bit controversial recording feature. I now record everything users type there for security and research purposes. Security - because "Try IronRuby" is hosted on a shared ASP.NET hosting and if somebody crashes it I need to know how it was done to prevent it in the future. Recording results are live and open at http://ironruby.info/ir/CodeViewer.aspx. Funny thing - when I started recording I added a disclaimer below the console:
Immediately a concerned user with name "Life Liberty Property" posted this comment:
I'd better respond. First - sorry for unclear wording. Microsoft obviously doesn't own your Ruby code and IronRuby obviously doesn't record your Ruby Code. Here is a revised disclaimer you can see below the console:
I hope it's clearer. And second - http://tryruby.hobix.com/ does pull this stunt too. And _why does need your code too. Because it's fun! Obviously Microsoft forgot about XInclude when they were shipping Visual Studio, so when you edit your XML and use XInclude you get no intellisense. It's easy to fix though. Just get this XInclude schema (standard XInclude schema improved a bit by Laurens Holst) and drop it into {Visual Studio install drive}:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\Xml\Schemas Now it's better:
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