Inspired by, just for fun, really. Can you figure out what this stylesheet outputs (without running it of course)?
<!DOCTYPE p [ <!ENTITY _0_ 'string'> <!ENTITY _0-0_ 'sub&_0_;'> ]> <p x:version="1.0" xmlns:x=""> <x:variable name="_" select="document('')"/> <x:variable name="_-_" select="number(not(_-_=_-_=_-_=_-_))"/> <x:value-of select="concat( &_0-0_;(namespace-uri($_/*/*[$_-_]), $_-_, $_-_), &_0-0_;(name($_/*/*[$_-_]), &_0_;-length(*>*)*2, $_-_), &_0-0_;(@_>_-, &_0_;-length(******* div @_), $_-_), translate(name(($_//@*)[5]), translate(name(($_//@*)[5]), 'l', ''), ''), &_0-0_;($_//namespace::*, &_0_;-length($_-_ div 0)+7, $_-_), ' ', &_0-0_;-after(&_0-0_;-before($_//namespace::*, 3), '.'), &_0-0_;($_//namespace::*, 15, 2), &_0-0_;(_/_/_=//_//_, 3, $_-_), &_0-0_;($_/*/*/@*[contains(.,'(')], $_-_, $_-_), '!')"/> </p>
By the way, does anybody think XSLT obfuscator is a useful tool?
Depends on the input document. For example, and will produce different outputs. Also the order of namespace nodes 'x' and 'xml' is implementation-dependent.
hehe, I knew somebody will bring it on!
The obvious joke here is: Isn't XSLT obfuscated in the first place?