Looking for ASP.NET hosting recommendations

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I'm finally decided to switch web hosting. I'm currently on webhost4life, but I'm really not up to that "4life" part. It's getting slower and slower while people seem to be runnig away from them.

So I'm looking for ASP.NET hosting recommendations. I need to host at least 3 domains with DotnetNuke, CommunityServer, MS SQL, MySQL, nothing special.

I've heard both good and bad words about ASPNix, but what about HostingFest? Where do you host your Windows stuff?

Update: problem totally solved, got hosting I couldn't even dream about. All like me mentally retarded Microsoft MVPs - subscribe to the private "3rd offers" newsgroup now, I mean NOW!

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Oh, MVPs got some generous offer from Orcsweb. I don't think I'm supposed to say it, but it's a generous offer, while as I figured out obviously limited one.

So I still need hosting. As it's too late for me to move I stay with webhost4life for another year.

Sean, have you tried to complain about slowdown? I believe Webhost4life used to move customers between servers so when it's getting slow I usually complain and they move me to a better server. Usually it helps.

Please? I, conincidently, am on webhost4life as well and have been seeing the slowdown as well..

Can all of non-MVPs get at least hint where you got this hosting? :-) (which provider)

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