What XLinq misses

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XLinq is at early stages, but what else would I like to see in XLinq? Here are my crazy wishes.

  • Shortcuts. In C# I need book["title"] instead of book.Element("title").
  • last() and position()
  • Literal XML just like in C-omega, not "kinda pseudo XML literals" like in VB9.
  • Fine control over serialization just like in XQuery
  • XPath support. I know it anyway and many do, so why to learn any new way to select nodes in XML tree? XPath is small, concise and intuitive. I want to write less code, so XPath is the way to go.

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> XPath support. I know it anyway and many do,
> so why to learn any new way to select nodes in
> XML tree? XPath is small, concise and
> intuitive. I want to write less code, so XPath
> is the way to go.

Whoever misses this and any of the features you listed, will continue to use XSLT as usual... :o)

The fact that XLINQ is as it is reflects that it targets a completely different audience, who would never attempt to learn XPath :o)

You are a person, who doesn't really need XLINQ and the authors of XLINQ had totally different audience in mind.

Most of your remarks in the remaining "Bitter words" also reflect this fact.

Taking the fact of the completely different audience targeted by XLINQ, many of the "shortcomings" for an experienced XML professional will actually be regarded as useful features for innocent OOP-ers.


I don't understand why one would need the difference between COmega and XLinq - I would be happy for, um, a few months, with COmega+XQuery (independent from SQL server of course).

An object-XPathNavigator would be cool to - it would simplify the use of .NET objects in XSLT...

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