TopXML is reblogging

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TopXML launched XML News Reblogger service. It's basically XML blogs and news aggregator, similar to the Planet XMLhack. They aggregate selected XML-related news feeds and blogs (127 currently, including mine :) twice a day and provide a way to read all that jazz on their web site. They don't provide aggregated RSS feed currently, but as Sonu Kapoor (the guy who wrote the Reblogger) informed me, that's definitely just a matter of time.

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The TopXML reblog code also alters the presentation such that advertisments are added to content created elsewhere (content owned by other people). This is rather shamefull.

If a site wants to host ads, fine. But to embed them in someone elses aggregated content, giving the appearence that the ads originated with the source blog, is wrong.

The RSS for the Reblogger has been published here:

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