Happy 2004 under spam attack

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Happy New Year to everybody my dear readers!

Now back to mundane things. Yesterday for the first time my blog has been seriously attacked by evil comment spammer. Last months I got used to receive 6-7 spam/troll comments a week and remove them out weekly, but this guy(application?) has sent 70 comments full of (200+) crap links during half an hour till I occasionally noted unusual activity and banned his IP.

Well, MovableType really sucks on comment spam. The only defence facility is manual IP banning. MT 3.0, whose beta is expected in Q1 2004 should make things better, they have announced it will include comment registration and improved comment management among other features. Well, I'm looking forward to see it.

Meanwhile reading discussion on comment spam in Sam's blog I realized there are really interesting ideas on detecting/blocking spam/troll comments I'd also like to try to implement myself. Unfortunately MT is perl-based engine, so the only my oprions are: learn perl or to implement frontend for MT comment subsystem in .NET. Bad ideas both. It's only now I finally see why Don Box is writing his own blog engine.

I don't dare to follow this way, but switching to .NET-based blog engine, such as dasBlog looks evem more tempting now.

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